Big news for Biz Collection

Big news for the Biz Collection brands, Fashion Biz have now opened a warehouse here in Perth with cheaper prices, increased stock levels and improved freight arrangements allowing for faster turnaround times.
Fashion Biz covers the brand labels Biz Collection, Biz Corporates and Syzmik Workwear.
You can view the whole range online here:
The new warehouse, located in Gnangara WA, is beautifully setup and designed for us to meet our clients there, browse the showrooms and show you all the different styles available. This is a fantastic opportunity for new clients and for anyone wanting to change or upgrade their existing uniform styles.
Contact us if you would like to setup a meeting, so we can help you style your new uniforms.
Fashion Biz covers the brand labels Biz Collection, Biz Corporates and Syzmik Workwear.
You can view the whole range online here:
The new warehouse, located in Gnangara WA, is beautifully setup and designed for us to meet our clients there, browse the showrooms and show you all the different styles available. This is a fantastic opportunity for new clients and for anyone wanting to change or upgrade their existing uniform styles.
Contact us if you would like to setup a meeting, so we can help you style your new uniforms.
- Kylie Higgins